每次请求API接口:0.00000 元
名称 | 必填 | 类型 | 说明 |
apikey | 是 | string | 你开通的apikey |
from | 是 | string | 出发地 |
to | 是 | string | 终点地 |
time | 否 | string | 查询时间(2024-01-28),不填则为当日时间 |
名称 | 类型 | 说明 |
code | int | 状态码 |
msg | string | 状态信息 |
from | string | 出发地 |
to | string | 终点地 |
time | string | 查询时间 |
count | string | 获取数量 |
data | string | 返回内容 |
traintype | string | 车辆类型 |
trainnumber | string | 车辆代码 |
departstation | string | 出发点 |
arrivestation | string | 终点站 |
departtime | string | 出发时间 |
arrivetime | string | 到达时间 |
runtime | string | 过程时间 |
ticket_info | string | 车辆车票信息 |
seatname | string | 座次等级 |
bookable | string | 车票状态 |
seatprice | string | 车票价格 |
seatinventory | string | 剩余车票数量 |
{ "code": 200, "msg": "查询成功", "from": "北京", "to": "上海", "time": "2024-11-30", "count": 11, "data": [ { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G157", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海虹桥", "departtime": "16:53", "arrivetime": "23:13", "runtime": "6小时20分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 553, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 930, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1873, "seatinventory": 18 } ] }, { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G21", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海虹桥", "departtime": "17:00", "arrivetime": "21:18", "runtime": "4小时18分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 598, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1006, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "优选一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1383, "seatinventory": 6 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 2158, "seatinventory": 6 } ] }, { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G159", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海虹桥", "departtime": "17:19", "arrivetime": "23:18", "runtime": "5小时59分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 526, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 884, "seatinventory": 15 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1748, "seatinventory": 6 } ] }, { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G161", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海虹桥", "departtime": "17:33", "arrivetime": "23:37", "runtime": "6小时4分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 526, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 884, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1748, "seatinventory": 14 } ] }, { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G23", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海", "departtime": "18:00", "arrivetime": "22:43", "runtime": "4小时43分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 581, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 977, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1889, "seatinventory": 9 } ] }, { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G25", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海虹桥", "departtime": "18:04", "arrivetime": "22:58", "runtime": "4小时54分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 576, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 969, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "优选一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1332, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1873, "seatinventory": 20 } ] }, { "traintype": "高铁", "trainumber": "G27", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海", "departtime": "19:00", "arrivetime": "23:29", "runtime": "4小时29分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 557, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 937, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "优选一等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1287, "seatinventory": 20 }, { "seatname": "商务座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 1889, "seatinventory": 10 } ] }, { "traintype": "动车", "trainumber": "D7", "departstation": "北京", "arrivestation": "上海", "departtime": "19:22", "arrivetime": "07:25", "runtime": "12小时3分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 293, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "二等卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 514, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 631, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "无座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 293, "seatinventory": 99 } ] }, { "traintype": "动车", "trainumber": "D9", "departstation": "北京南", "arrivestation": "上海", "departtime": "19:36", "arrivetime": "07:46", "runtime": "12小时10分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 314, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "二等卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 550, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 627, "seatinventory": 99 } ] }, { "traintype": "普通", "trainumber": "T109", "departstation": "北京", "arrivestation": "上海", "departtime": "20:03", "arrivetime": "11:02", "runtime": "14小时59分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "硬座", "bookable": "暂无车票", "seatprice": 177.5, "seatinventory": 0 }, { "seatname": "硬卧", "bookable": "暂无车票", "seatprice": 325.5, "seatinventory": 0 }, { "seatname": "软卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 497.5, "seatinventory": 9 }, { "seatname": "无座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 177.5, "seatinventory": 99 } ] }, { "traintype": "动车", "trainumber": "D5", "departstation": "北京", "arrivestation": "上海", "departtime": "21:21", "arrivetime": "09:27", "runtime": "12小时6分钟", "ticket_info": [ { "seatname": "二等座", "bookable": "暂无车票", "seatprice": 316, "seatinventory": 0 }, { "seatname": "二等卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 553, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "一等卧", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 680, "seatinventory": 99 }, { "seatname": "无座", "bookable": "有车票", "seatprice": 316, "seatinventory": 99 } ] } ], }
错误码 | 说明 |
100 | 您的apikey值为空! |
101 | 您的apikey值不存在! |
102 | 当前来源地址不在白名单内! |
103 | 当前接口为实名认证后可用,请您先进行实名! |
104 | 当前接口为企业认证后可用,请您先进行企业认证! |
105 | 当前接口未通过审核或已停止运营! |
106 | 您的余额不足,请及时充值! |
107 | 您当前的接口免费期限已过期,请及时开通! |
108 | 您的点数包已过期,请及时续费! |
109 | 您的点数包已用完,请及时充值! |
110 | 您的账号已被封禁,不可使用任何接口! |